Ihre Experten in Kubernetes, AWS, DevOps und Software Development
Wir konzentrieren uns auf die Konzeption, Implementierung und Verwaltung von Cloud-Lösungen, die auf die besonderen Bedürfnisse großer Unternehmen zugeschnitten sind.
Path to Success
Neue Horizonte entdecken durch Lean Startup und Design Thinking.
Neue Horizonte entdecken durch Lean Startup und Design Thinking.
Kundenerwartungen erforschen und mit Spitzentechnologie übertreffen.
Kundenerwartungen erforschen und mit Spitzentechnologie übertreffen.
Ideen in wertvolle Software verwandeln – agil, zuverlässig, effizient.
Ideen in wertvolle Software verwandeln – agil, zuverlässig, effizient.
Anwendungen skalieren, Insights gewinnen, Umsätze steigern – mit agilen Methoden zum Erfolg.
Anwendungen skalieren, Insights gewinnen, Umsätze steigern – mit agilen Methoden zum Erfolg.
Where technology meets
leadership for outstanding results
Backend development
API development
Mobile and Web
Cloud Technoloiges
Cloud Technologien
AWS – Cloud-Plattform, die robuste Infrastrukturdienste von Hosting bis maschinelles Lernen bietet.
Kubernetes – Bereitstellung, Skalierung und Verwaltung von containerisierten Anwendungen.
Docker – Containerisierung: Verpackung und Ausführung in isolierten Umgebungen.
Entdecken Sie unsere Kern-Cloud-Technologien, optimiert für zukunftsorientierte IT-Infrastrukturen.
Go – Effiziente und einfache Sprache von Google; ideal für skalierbare Netzwerk- und Server-Anwendungen.
Firebase – Eine umfassende Plattform von Google für die Entwicklung von Backend-Services.
Python – Vielseitig und benutzerfreundlich, fürs Web, Datenanalyse und KI.
Flutter – Googles UI-Toolkit für plattformübergreifende App-Entwicklung.
JavaScript – Unverzichtbar für Webseites und leistungsfähige Server-Lösungen mittels Node.js.
Agilität In
Der Softwareentwicklung
Agilität in der Softwareentwicklung ist nicht nur eine Methodik; sie ist eine Denkweise, die Teams dazu befähigt, sich an Veränderungen anzupassen, komplexe Herausforderungen in Echtzeit zu bewältigen und letztendlich schneller und effizienter Wert zu liefern. Indem sie Agilität annehmen, werden Entwickler und Stakeholder gleichermaßen zu Kollaborateuren in einem Miteinander des iterativen Fortschritts, wo
Flexibilität Key ist und die Bedürfnisse des Users der Nordstern ist. Dieser dynamische Ansatz wandelt die unvorhersehbare Natur der Technologieentwicklung in eine Stärke, nicht in eine Belastung um und fördert eine Ökosystem, in dem Innovation gedeiht und Exzellenz die Norm ist.
Case Studies
“Working with your cloud solution architecture has been a game-changer for my company. 2the CEO, I’ve witnessed firsthand how scalability can redefine success, and your service has played a pivotal role in our growth. Thanks to your innovative architecture, we’ve not only scaled efficiently but also enhanced our overall performance. The ease of implementation and the continuous support we received were beyond commendable. I’m thoroughly impressed with the results and extremely grateful for how it has propelled our business forward.
- 100% Goal Achieved
- 45% Revenue Saved
- 60% Business Success
“Working with your cloud solution architecture has been a game-changer for my company. 1 the CEO, I’ve witnessed firsthand how scalability can redefine success, and your service has played a pivotal role in our growth. Thanks to your innovative architecture, we’ve not only scaled efficiently but also enhanced our overall performance. The ease of implementation and the continuous support we received were beyond commendable. I’m thoroughly impressed with the results and extremely grateful for how it has propelled our business forward.
- 100% Goal Achieved
- 45% Revenue Saved
- 60% Business Success
“Working with your cloud solution architecture has been a game-changer for my company. As the CEO, I’ve witnessed firsthand how scalability can redefine success, and your service has played a pivotal role in our growth. Thanks to your innovative architecture, we’ve not only scaled efficiently but also enhanced our overall performance. The ease of implementation and the continuous support we received were beyond commendable. I’m thoroughly impressed with the results and extremely grateful for how it has propelled our business forward.
- 100% Goal Achieved
- 45% Revenue Saved
- 60% Business Success
“Working with your cloud solution architecture has been a game-changer for my company. As the CEO, I’ve witnessed firsthand how scalability can redefine success, and your service has played a pivotal role in our growth. Thanks to your innovative architecture, we’ve not only scaled efficiently but also enhanced our overall performance. The ease of implementation and the continuous support we received were beyond commendable. I’m thoroughly impressed with the results and extremely grateful for how it has propelled our business forward.
- 100% Goal Achieved
- 45% Revenue Saved
- 60% Business Success
“Working with your cloud solution architecture has been a game-changer for my company. the CEO, I’ve witnessed firsthand how scalability can redefine success, and your service has played a pivotal role in our growth. Thanks to your innovative architecture, we’ve not only scaled efficiently but also enhanced our overall performance. The ease of implementation and the continuous support we received were beyond commendable. I’m thoroughly impressed with the results and extremely grateful for how it has propelled our business forward.
- 100% Goal Achieved
- 45% Revenue Saved
- 60% Business Success
“Working with your cloud solution architecture has been a game-changer for my company. As the CEO, I’ve witnessed firsthand how scalability can redefine success, and your service has played a pivotal role in our growth. Thanks to your innovative architecture, we’ve not only scaled efficiently but also enhanced our overall performance. The ease of implementation and the continuous support we received were beyond commendable. I’m thoroughly impressed with the results and extremely grateful for how it has propelled our business forward.
- 100% Goal Achieved
- 45% Revenue Saved
- 60% Business Success
“Working with your cloud solution architecture has been a game-changer for my company. As the CEO, I’ve witnessed firsthand how scalability can redefine success, and your service has played a pivotal role in our growth. Thanks to your innovative architecture, we’ve not only scaled efficiently but also enhanced our overall performance. The ease of implementation and the continuous support we received were beyond commendable. I’m thoroughly impressed with the results and extremely grateful for how it has propelled our business forward.
- 100% Goal Achieved
- 45% Revenue Saved
- 60% Business Success
Vergangene und aktuelle
Konzeption und Entwicklung von Cloud-Native Architekturen für Großkonzerne (IDPs) mit AWS, K8s & Crossplane.
Strategie und Entwicklung: Cloud, DevOps und Softwareentwicklung. Maßgeschneiderte Lösungen für Mittelständler.
Erfolgreiche Gründungen im E-Commerce. Treiben der Innovation & Produktentwicklung.
Meet the Founder
Tomas Stiller
Als Gründer von Stillforward habe ich gesehen, wie entscheidend praktische Innovationen für den Erfolg sind. Wir setzen auf den intelligenten Einsatz von Cloud-Technologien, DevOps und Anwendungsentwicklung, um die IT-Nutzung in Unternehmen zu verbessern. Unser Ziel ist es, durch konkrete Lösungen die IT-Beratung und Softwareentwicklung neu zu gestalten und echten Kundenerfolg zu ermöglichen.
Für die Kunden